Circular from IICT

20/02/2018 - 5:24pm

No. MUET/IICT/113, Dated: 20.02.2018



It is notified for the information of all that as per AS&RB resolution No. 143.21(a), the admission of students of 09 and old batches of M.E program, who have not completed their degree requirements, is hereby CANCELED.

Whereas; the students of 10 to 12-batches of M.E, have last chance to complete all the degree requirements within THREE months of this circular, if they have already defended their proposal in Initial seminars. The admission of the students, who have not submitted their research proposals, is also cancelled.

The students of 13 to 14 batches are allowed to submit their research proposal within a period of one month from the date of issuance of this notification and complete all the degree requirements before 31st October 2018.