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Mechatronic Engineering
Mechatronic Engineering is the newest department (established in the year 2021) by the University.
Initially, the Master in Mechatronic Engineering degree program was offered from the year 2014.
Subsequently, Ph.D. in Mechatronic Engineering was also offered. Both of these postgraduate
programs are Higher Education Commission (HEC) approved. The four-year undergraduate degree
program in Mechatronic Engineering was launched in the year 2016 under the administration of the
Mechanical Engineering Department. After the establishment of the separate Department of
Mechatronic Engineering, this program is being managed by the same. Mehran University of
Engineering and Technology is the first and the only public sector university in the province of Sindh
offering the four-year B.E. in Mechatronic Engineering program. The first batch of this program has
already graduated. The program has been adapted to Outcome-Based Education (OBE) and is duly
accredited by Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in level II (highest possible level).
A mechatronic engineer pursues an inter-disciplinary approach, which enables him/her to design and
develop devices and systems that encompass multiple conventional engineering disciplines. With the
advent of the Fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0), modern smart technology is taking
automation to the next higher level thus bringing fundamental changes to our lives. The
undergraduate program in mechatronic engineering provides a right mix of subjects from
mechanical, electronic and computer engineering domains that is aimed to design and develop
innovative technological interventions into the modern day challenges of industrial, medical and
agricultural sectors. In addition to faculty of the Mechatronic Engineering Department, the subjects
are also taught by faculty members from Mechanical Electronic and Computer System Engineering
departments. In addition to the Department’s dedicated laboratories, practical work is also carried out
in the labs of other departments of the University.
Mechatronic Engineers have opportunities to work in emerging fields in public and private sectors. A
Mechatronic system is composed of integration of mechanical and electronic components, sensors,
actuators, and controllers. Modern industry has transformed from electromechanical type to fully
automated type; thus, Mechatronic engineering skills are in demand by both national and
international companies. They require personnel with multi-disciplinary expertise having knowledge
of all the related systems to run industries and improve automated systems. Plenty of opportunities
exist for postgraduate studies/scholarships nationally and internationally. Mechatronic Engineers are
in demand in the following sectors:
- Automation and Control
- Robotics
- Automobile
- Renewable energy
- Power Plants
- Oil refineries
- Manufacturing process plants
- Marine engineering
- Biomedical
- Food processing
- Petrochemical
- Research and Development, etc.