1st International Conference on Dependable Embedded Wireless and Sensing Networks 2015

01/01/2016 - 4:58pm

First International Conference on Dependable Embedded Wireless & Sensing Networks held in Mehran University of Engineering & Technology Jamshoro Sindh, which is organised by Department of Telecommunication Engineering MUET on 26th December 2015, Conference was chaired By Vice Chancellor of MUET Dr.M.Aslam Uqaili, DEAN FEECE MUET of Dr. Bhawani Shankar Chowdhry, Chairman of Department of Telecommunication MUET Dr. Faisal Karim Shaikh.

The Conference is carried out by a research group DEWSNET, it's a forum for researchers aimed to provide with novel and commercially viable aspects of enabling technologies in its domain, This conference was established to address the issues, which improve the cost, Power consumption and efficacy of such systems.

Chief guest of the conference was Dr. Abdul Rehman Memon Rector New Port university karachi. Ten Technical papers was presented in the conference plus several short papers & Posters was bring to display as well.

Key Note speakers delivered to the sessions from abroad as Mr. Shahid Raza, PhD, Senior Researcher from Network Embedded Systems group Swedish institute of Computer Science (SICS) Swedish ICT, Stockholm, Sweden on topic of cyber security challenges, when moving from internet to internet of things.

Mr. Umair Mujataba Qureshi from city university of Hong Kong delivered on cyber physical systems: Challenges and applications.

A tutorial was presented on OMNET++: The discrete event simulator by Dr. Faheem yar khuhawar, whose working as an Assistant Professor in MUET.

The conference was attended by a large number of participants from all over the country, The conference was supported by IEEE Communications Society, SDIWC and RASTEK Technologies.