Balance Furniture Articles for the IEEM


All the interested Contractors/ Firms/ Companies/ Suppliers, meeting eligibility criteria under the SPPRA rules are invited to participate in the following tender.

S. #

Name of Work

Tender Fee

Estimated Amount

Completion Period

Earnest Money


Balance Furniture Articles for the Institute of Environmental Engineering & Management Department.


Rs.0.270 (M)

1-1/2 Months


The tender document can be had from the Office of the undersigned on the payment noted above (non-refundable). Tenders will be issued from 18-05-2012 to 04-06-2012 on working days only.

Sealed tender accompanied with the pay order in favour of the Project Director, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro equivalent to 2% of the total bid cost as earnest money and will be received in the Office of the undersigned at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro upto 12:00 Noon on 05-06-2012 and will be opened on the same day at 01:00 p.m. in presence of the Contractors/ Representatives, who so ever will be present at that time.

Any conditional tender or un-accompanied of the earnest money will not be considered in the competition.
The Procurement Agency reserves the right as per SPPRA rules to reject any or all bids.

Project Director (M-I&II),
Mehrah University of Engineering
 & Technology, Jamshoro