FRESH PRE-QUALIFICATION NOTICE: No. & Dated: DD(Proc.)/MUET/JAM/-98, 11-05-2015





Mehran University is ISO-9001-2008-Certified and believes in attaining quality and appropriate usage of public funds. Therefore, in-order to achieve qualitative results, it has remained in practice of University to do major / minor procurement through Pre-qualified Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents dealing with supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of Laboratory Equipment, Machinery & Plants (Air-conditioning, Diesel Generators & UPS Units) and Furniture, to be procured for the following fields of Engineering under the above stated schemes of Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, which is also in accordance with the Rule-27 of SPPRA Rules, 2010 (Amended 2013), Govt. of Sindh.


(1) Civil Engineering (2) Electrical Engineering (3) Mechanical Engineering (4) Electronics Engineering (5) Telecommunication Engineering (6) Biomedical Engineering (7) Computer System Engineering (8) Software Engineering (9) Textile Engineering (10) Chemical Engineering (11) Industrial Engineering & Management (12) Mining Engineering (13) Metallurgy & Materials Engineering (14) Institute of Environmental & Management Engineering (15) Architecture (16) City & Regional Planning (17) Institute of Water Resource Engineering & Management (I8) Institute of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering (19) Institute of Mehran University Science, Technology & Development (20) Institute of Communication Technologies (21) Scientific Instrumentation Centre for Repair, Maintenance & Fabrication of Educational Equipment.


Hence, it is desired that Fresh Pre-qualification of Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents for following schemes for supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of Laboratory Equipment, Machinery & Plants and Furniture as under:



Name of Scheme / Works


Immediate Needs for Establishment of Mehran University College of Engineering & Technology, at Thatta.


Immediate Needs of Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro.


Remaining Rehabilitation Works of HEC Funded (Mega – III Scheme)

(Civil, Plumbing, External Drainage & Electrification Works)


Strengthening & Development of MUET, Jamshoro (Mega – IV Scheme) HEC Funded (Civil, Plumbing, External Drainage & Electrification Works).


Establishment of Institute of Commercial Unit of Mehran University at Plot No. A/130 at Sindh Industrial Trading Estate (S.I.T.E), Hyderabad.


Self-Financing Schemes (S.S. Funds)


The above stated schemes will be financed out of the funds received from Government of Pakistan, Government of Sindh and Own Resources of the University for the Approved Schemes of the University.


Applications from reputed Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents, are invited for fresh pre-qualification of Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents for supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of Laboratory Equipment, Machinery & Plants and Furniture pertaining to above stated schemes of Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro and its constituent colleges.




(i)         CATEGORY - A

(Supplying, installation, testing & commissioning of Laboratory Equipment, Machinery & Plants)

 (ii)       CATEGORY - B.       

            (Networking, I.T. Related Equipment and UPS)

 (iii)      CAEGORY - C

(Diesel Generators)

 (iv)      CATEGORY - D

            (Furniture for Class Rooms, Offices and other Amenities)


The Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents, who are dealing with the above mentioned business, are requested to submit the following information along with their applications for fresh pre-qualification.


1.      Name & Address of Supplier, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents along with a copy of Profile.

2.      List of Major similar nature of equipment / furniture supplied, installed and commissioned during last ten (10) years.

3.      List of major similar nature of supply of Equipment / furniture in hand in same geographical conditions showing cost of equipment / furniture.

4.      List of authorization certificate issued by Manufacturers showing proof of Sole Distributors and Sole Agent.

5.      Field of specialization in supply of lab equipment / furniture.

6.      List of technical staff with qualifications and experience. 

7.      List of clearing agent dealing with the Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents.

8.      Certificate of financial stability from Banks.

9.      Income Tax paid for the last 05 years along with certificate.

10.   Sales Tax Registration number.

11.   SRB Registration number

12.   An affidavit to the effect that the Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents or any of its partners have not been black listed by the any Government / Semi Government Departments.

13.   Details of litigations / arbitration cases against the Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents, if any.

14.   Any other relevant information.


The pre-qualification documents can be had from the office of the Deputy Director (Procurement), Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Jamshoro, personally or by mail on the payment of Rs.5,000.00  (Non-refundable) on any working day except the day of submission of applications or can be downloaded from SPPRA website i.e. on the payment from 18-05-2015 to 17-06-2015 and will be submitted on 18-06-2015 upto 12.00 (Noon) in the office of the undersigned.


In case of any unforeseen situation resulting in closure of office on the date of submission or if Government declares Holiday the tender shall be submitted on the next working day at the same time & venue.


The applications so far received shall be categorized and pre-qualified according to their credentials/ experience in the relevant fields. The pre-qualified Suppliers, Manufacturers, Sole Distributors and Sole agents will be invited to bid.


The Procuring Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids subject to relevant provisions of SPP Rule, 2010 (Amended 2013) and may cancel the bidding process at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal under Rule-25” of said Rules. 


Deputy Director (Procurement),
Mehran University of Engg. & Tech. Jamshoro,
Phone No. 022-2109010 Fax: 022-2771403
Email: [email protected]