No. & Dated: DD(Proc.)/MUET/JAM/-37, 04-03-2022


Download Bidding Document



Request for Proposal is invited by Mehran University of Engineering and Technology, Jamshoro from the reputable Consultants as defined in the Sindh Public Procurement (SPP) Rules 2010 (Amended 2019), Govt. of Sindh for hiring Consultants for preparation of Architectural & Engineering Design for the Buildings to be constructed against development schemes titled, “Construction of Boys & Girls Hostels, Faculty Residences and Sports Facilities at MUET, Jamshoro” funded by Govt. of Sindh.

  1. The Consultants shall be required to submit a bid comprises of a single package containing two (02) separate envelopes. Each envelope shall contain separately the ‘Financial Proposal’ and the ‘Technical Proposal’.
  1. The Financial Proposals shall be opened of those Consultants whose technical proposal is considered and approved.
  1. The Selection of Consultants shall be made on “Least Cost Selection Method” as per Rule-72(1), of SPP Rule, 2010 (Amended 2019)
  1. Interesting Consultants may obtain the details of the Technical Services required for preparation of Architectural & Engineering Design for the Buildings to be constructed against various schemes on the payment of document fee amounting to Rs. 5,000.00 in shape of Demand Draft / Pay Order (Non-refundable) in favour of the Deputy Director (Procurement), MUET, Jamshoro before the last date of submission of Request for Proposal, which has been fixed as 25-03-2022. The incomplete Proposals or received after due date i.e. 25-03-2022 will not be considered.               
  1. Planning & Designing of Students & Staff residential accommodations including allied facilities and services including Civil, Plumbing, Electrical & Networking works.
  1. Planning & Designing of External Services viz. Water Supply, Gas, Power, Sewerage, Roads, Foot paths, Surface Drainage, Culverts and External Compound walls etc.

The RFP Documents can be had from office of the Deputy Director (Procurement), MUET, Jamshoro or can be downloaded from SPPRA website i.e. and University website on the payment noted above (non-refundable) on any working day except the day of opening of tenders. The sealed proposals on prescribed proforma along with performance guarantee of Rs. 500,000/= (Fixed) in form of Bank Guarantee in favour of whom tender was purchased w.e.f 08-03-2022 to 24-03-2022 and submitted on 25-03-2022 upto 11:30 A.M and the same will be opened on the 25-03-2022 @ 12.00 (Noon) in presence of the representatives, who so ever will be present at that time. In case of any unforeseen situation resulting in closure of office on the date of opening or if Government declares Holiday the tender shall be submitted / opened on the next working day at the same time & venue. Any Conditional or un-accompanied of the earnest money, tender will not be considered in the competition.


The Procuring Agency reserves the right to reject any or all bids subject to relevant provisions of SPP Rule, 2010 (amended 2019) and may cancel the bidding process at any time prior to the acceptance of a bid or proposal under Rule-25” of said Rules.




Deputy Director (Procurement),

Mehran University of Engg. & Tech. Jamshoro,

Phone No. 022-2109010 Fax: 022-2771403

Email: [email protected]