
No.PD/MUET/KHP/-312     Dated: 21-10-2014


All the interested Contractors/ Firms/ Companies/ Suppliers, meeting eligibility criteria under the SPPRA rules 2010 are invited to participate in the following tender.

S. #
Name of Work



Completion Period

Earnest Money



Supply of furniture articles for the Class Rooms (04 Nos.) for the Electrical Engineering Department @ MUET, Shaheed Z.A Bhutto Campus Khairpur Mir's.


Rs. 2000/=


03 Months



of Bid Price


Single Stage single envelope method of procurement as per Rule No.46(1) of SPPRA Rule 2010 will be adopted.

The tender documents can be had from the office of undersigned at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Shaheed Z.A Bhutto Campus Khairpur Mir’s on payment of Rs.2,000.00 in the shape of pay order (non-refundable). Tenders will be issued from  27-10-2014 to 12-11-2014 on working days only.

Preference shall be given to those bidders who would have markable experience of working on same nature of works with Universities / HEC recognized Educational Institution of Sindh Province.

In case of undesirable circumstances on submission/ opening date & time or if Government declares Holiday the tender shall be received / opened on the next working day at same time & venue.

At the time of purchasing tender document, the bidder/ Contractors/ Firms/ Companies/ Suppliers should bring their credentials (Broucher) for verification.

Sealed tenders accompanied with the pay order in favour of the Project Director, Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Shaheed Z.A Bhutto Campus Khairpur Mir's, equivalent to 2% of the total bid cost as earnest money and will be received in the office of the undersigned at Mehran University of Engineering & Technology, Shaheed Z.A Bhutto Campus Khairpur Mir's upto 12:00 Noon on 13-11-2014 and will be opened on the same day at 01:00 p.m. in presence of the Contractors / Representatives, who so ever will be present at that time.

Any conditional tender or un-accompanied of the earnest money will not be considered in the competition.

“The Procuring Agency may reject all or any bids subject to the relevant provisions of SPPRA-2010 and may cancel the biding process under rule 25 of such rules”.