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Sealed tender are inviting from the General order suppliers
Ref. No: MUET/Reg./206(a) |
Sealed tender are inviting from the General order suppliers, Sole Distributors (who are tax payers of Government, Registered with Sales Tax office and are not on the Black List). The tender will be got published on the websites of MUET/ SPPRA and leading News papers as the estimated cost of above purchases is above Rs.1-Million, for the purchase/supply of the Following items / materials. |
Sr.# |
Name of item |
Quantity Required |
Tender will be Issued from |
01 |
Printing & Designing of Prospectus 2013-14 |
As per Requirement Mentioned in tender Document |
Directorate of Admissions |
02 |
Logistic arrangement for conducting Pre-Entre Test: Seating Arrangement (decoration) including Electric works (pedestal fans), audio system, food, Refreshment, etc |
--Do-- |
Director, Services & Maintenance office |
03 |
Out Source Admin Block Canteen |
--Do-- |
Registrar, office |
04 |
Proposal for HEC, English Language Teaching Reform Phase II |
--Do-- |
Director English Language Centre |
1. The tenders will be issued up to 26th June, 2013 and received back on 27th June, 2013, till 11:00 am. The tenders will be opened on the same day dated 27th June, 2013, 2013 at 12.00 Noon in the presence of the suppliers or their authorised representative who so ever present. 2. The tenders for Sr. # 1 should be submitted in two separate envelops along with 5% earnest money of the bid amount in shape of Call Deposit, or Pay Order in the name of Director Finance, MUET, Jamshoro must be attached with the tenders else the tender will be rejected. (a) Technical Proposal. (b) Financial Proposal. 3. The tenders for Sr. # 2, 3 & 4 should be submitted in single envelop along with 2% earnest money of the bid amount in shape of Call Deposit, or Pay Order in the name of Director Finance, MUET, Jamshoro must be attached with the tenders else the tender will be rejected 4. The Blank Tenders (containing detailed terms, conditions and evaluation criteria) can be purchased from the office of Undersigned, after the payment of Rs.1,000/- only through Bank Challan of HBL Mehran Booth, Jamshoro per tender set (Non Refundable) on any working day. Conditional tenders will not be entertained 5. The bidders should submit Income Tax, GST/SRB registration certificates and copy of C.N.I.C. 6. The Bidders should have atleast 05 years successful experience of same services of any university or large reputed organization. 7. The bidders should submit affidavit to the effect that the firm have not been black listed previously by any executing/procuring agency and all documents/particulars/information furnished are true & correct. 8. The Procuring agency may reject all or any bids subject to relevant provision of SPPRA Rule # 25(1) of 2010.
Prof. Dr. Tauha Hussain Ali |