Realizing the stark fact of scarcity of manpower in public policy with strong appreciation for scientific evidence in decision making, in the country, efforts were made to establish Mehran University Institute of Science and Technology Development (MUISTD). It is envisaged to be a centre producing personnel in Science, Technology, and Innovation policy and management for the development of the country and is also mandated to provide with a forum for debate on core policy issues and problems facing the country. Looking round the globe, it becomes evident that most of the universities in developed world as well as developing countries have established such institutes for linking research with policy formulation on sustainable basis.
The social scientists have extensively argued on identification of major stakeholders, and taking valid indicators e.g. economic, social, and political, into account while devising a viable piece of policy. Therefore, multidisciplinary approach is needed in combination with trandisciplinarity to study and govern science and technology. The Institute, it is hoped, shall strive for achieving the goal towards that end through its research and taught programmes. Establishment of Institutes such as MUISTD is the need of the day. In order to promote and reap benefits of knowledge-based economy and become an astute actor of such an economy, the country needs to develop its scientific and technological capacity. It has to integrate Universities, Industry, and Government in a tighter bond to produce, use, and disseminate knowledge.
MUISTD is, thus, an effort in achieving these objectives. In the end, I would extend my warm wishes to the, Co-Director, faculty and supporting staff of MUISTD for their future course of research pursuits. The Vice-Chancellor and Dean, Faculty of Science, Technology and Humanities, Mehran University of Engineering and Technology deserve felicitation for their support in the upbringing of the Institute.
Late Prof. Dr. S.M. Qureshi
Professor Emeritus & Director (Honorary)