In memories of warm wishes received from Founder Director, Dr. S.M. Qureshi, who possessed
deep rooted feelings to see Pakistan a prosperous country:
MUISTD was visualized by Dr. S. M. Qureshi as an institute to take responsibility and work as a
think tank for government on S&T development issues. Today, the institute is producing human
capital at undergraduate and postgraduate levels, capable of conceiving, creating and
transferring knowledge for devising evidence based STI policies and developing tools, techniques
and mechanisms for S&T and innovation management.
The institute is growing under commendable guidance of worthy Vice Chancellor, MUET
and with the strong commitment of its academic and administrative staff, highly qualified from
various national and international institutions such as Science Policy Research Unit (SPRU), UK.
Every member of MUISTD team is striving to make it a world class institute to contribute towards
socio economic development of Pakistan through science, technology, innovation and entrepreneurship.
Though unfortunately today the MUISTD team lacks guidance from the founder Director,however,
there is no dearth in efforts and commitments towards accomplishing his visualized objectives.
Al Quran in Ayat 29:69 Says

And those who strive in Our (cause), We will certainly guide them to our Paths: For verily Allah is
with those who do right.
With strong commitment to a cause guided by Founder Director, I wish and pray for his top ranks
in Jannah. May his soul rest in peace in the eternal world and may Jannat-ul-Firdous be his
permanent abode.
Thank you very much.
With Blessings and Duas
Prof. Dr. Asif Ali Shah