
Admissions for all the degree courses are made according to the policies and rules, framed and approved by the relevant authorities of the University from time to time. The rules mentioned in this prospectus are subject to revision by the competent authority as and when deemed necessary and without notice.
The candidates who apply for their admission on the basis of any fake certificate (detected before or after their admission) shall be prosecuted under criminal law and their admission shall be cancelled. Additionally, they may also be debarred for a period of three years for future admission in any other institution in the country.

Application form for Admission:

Call for the admissions, is advertised in the prominent regional, national newspapers as well as on the web site.  The candidates are required to obtain application forms from the Administration office of the Institute on the payment of prescribed fees and are asked to deposit them in the same office within the announced due date. These applications forms are then sent to the Mehran University where they are scrutinized and the in-eligible applications are rejected. After this scrutiny, all the eligible candidates are sent admissions slips for entry to the pre-admission test. The candidates are required to fill up the prescribed application form in their own hand writing carefully. Since the application form is a legal document any wrong information provided there-in over-writing or tampering in any other way is illogical and may result in rejection of the form outright.

The candidates are required to submit the attested photo-stat copies of all the certificates and recent taken photographs as indicated in the application form.

Pre-Admission Test:

In accordance with the policies adopted by the Federal as well as Provincial Government of Sindh all the eligible candidates applying under any category are now required to appear in the Pre-admission Test organized by the Institute.

Candidates having secured less than 50% marks in the Pre-admission Test shall not be eligible for consideration of their names for the purpose of admission in this University.


After the receipt of the results of Pre-admission Test a comprehensive merit list is prepared and a number of candidates are called for interview before the admission committee. The interviews are held at MUISTD on the dates as announced in the newspapers and also on the web site. The candidates are also required to bring their original certificates for verification. The names of those candidates, who failed to appear for the interview before the Admission Committee on the scheduled date and time without any intimation, shall be deleted from the merit list and shall not be considered for the admission. Thus their absence from the interview shall amount to forfeiture of their right of admission.

Closing of Admission

The admissions for the session will be made up to the end of FOURTH week from the date of start of classes. After this period no new admissions will be made. However, any change of program will be made up to 07 days after the closing date of admission.

NOC and study leave for candidates already in service

The candidates who are seeking for the Full time admission and are already in service, at the time of submission of Admission form should attach NO OBJECTION CERTIFICATE from their employer for their admission. After selection, they will be required to submit study leave order and relieving order from their employers for study purpose at the University because in a regular full time program no student admitted in this university is allowed to engage himself/herself in any employment during his/her studies.

Tuition Fees

Students seeking admission are required to pay the fees and deposits as per table given at Annexure-I at the time of registration. The fees and deposits are to be paid in Pak. Rupees.